Sunday, January 22, 2012

The last two weeks have been extremely busy!  I haven't had much time to work on any of my projects.  I joined Weight Watchers and so far have lost 4 pounds.  I weigh again tomorrow  and I am afraid of the numbers.  I am a stress eater and well last week was stressful.

I did continue my work on my bathroom this weekend.  I tackled the cabinets in the bathroom. 

WHAT A MESS!  The next cabinet is where I store my coupon purchases.

I decided to switch them around.  My husband was so nice and added another shelf in the top cabinet.  Here are the results.

I removed a lot of washclothes and towels that now will have a second life as cleaning rags.  Much better! 

Hope you have a great week.  Coming next: under the sinks!


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