Monday, October 4, 2010

I'm a Mess!

I  desire to have that home that always is clean and organized.   However, I have never had it and it is my own fault.  I can get it clean, but it just doesn't stay that way.  I don't follow through.  Wash and dry the clothes, but there they sit in the dryer. Which now means ironing.  Wash, dry, fold the clothes, but they don't make it to the closet or the drawer. 

This week, I just want to get my bedroom straight.  I was going to post a picture of it, but to be honest, I am too embarrassed.  My plan is to do little bits everyday.  I will post my daily projects with my goal to be straight by Friday.  Then if I can just keep it up.  Hold me accountable! 

Let's hope for the best and see what happens!


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